Entry to PegaRULES-SecurityEvent log when property is viewed in UI
Hi All,
First of all thank you for your time. We are using Pega 8.5.3 and we have a requirement to make an entry to the PegaRULES-SecurityEvent log when a specific property is viewed on the UI.
When a user goes through the case and reaches a section where the field is included we have to make an entry to the PegaRULES-SecurityEvent log indicating such property was viewed.
We have implemented a Declare OnChange to track when the property value is changed/updated but we now need to make an entry to the log when the property is displayed/viewed in the UI.
I'm not sure how to implement this as the Declare OnChange fires when the property is updated so I'm not sure how to trigger the log entry when the property is viewed in the UI. Also, since Declare Triggers are fired when the property is Saved, Deleted, or when a property change is detected during saving so I don't think it will work for our requirement either.
The log entry should be made when every time the property is viewed in the UI regardless of any user interaction with the particular UI field.
We already have the functionality to create the entry in the PegaRULES-SecurityEvent log, just need to figure out how to trigger the activity when the field is displayed in the UI.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks for all the help.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***