
Lloyds Banking Group PLC
Last activity: 13 Apr 2022 5:01 EDT
Encryption with Azure key vault
Trying to enable encryption using platform cipher and while creating the keystore instance to get the CMK from azure key vault, it requires the following:
1) Client ID
2) Client Key
3) Customer Master Key ID
Our Azure team have provided the values for each and using this in the key store instance throws an error (below) and doesn't save it.
Customer master key ID — Provide valid Customer master key ID
Did come across this article with a similar issue and it does mention that there might be a pega product bug (though it was on a different version) and was going to raise a support ticket. But before doing that, just wanted to confirm what the values for client id and key would have to be? For the customer master key id, we have created a key in an azure key vault and using the "Key Identifier" value from it.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Support Case Details; update capability tags***