
Last activity: 9 Feb 2021 1:20 EST
Email Sequencing in Action flowed email
My usecase is to send the initial communication and wait for x number of days, then if the offer is accepted by then send the confirmation email.
Was wondering if I can define the action flow with a send email shape in the beginning followed by a wait. Then a fork shape to split if the second email has to be sent or not. In the connector from fork, can we check if the offer was accepted?
Other way of implementing this is to split the propositions as initial and confirmation and based on the rule pick the correspondence. But if the number of communications are more, we end up with lot of propositions. Example: If I consider one of the usecase for Car Insurance reminder emails where the emails needs to be sent out 30,15,8,2,1 day before the renewal date. The sequence will stop if the contract is renewed in between. If we can only make the selection and initiate an offer flow once 30 days before, then the followups can be handled in the flow configuration instead of defining 5 separate propositions/action flows.