Elastic Search API: How to search index files with fields holding white spaces
I have 2 questions:
1. Currently we upgraded our application from Pega 7.2.1 to Pega 8.1.3. We are using Pega SCE and Elastic Search extensively for different Data objects. We have few Data objects holding embedded properties to be indexed and will be searchable by passing the value in search Query string, e.g.
TopLevelPropName1: "value1" AND EmbeddedPageListProp.PropName: "Hello World" AND TopLevelPropName2: "value2"
Now when property holding a word without space Elastic Search is working, but when we are passing multiple words(EmbeddedPageListProp.PropName: "Hello World" ) with spaces then failing to get intended results.
I would like to know How I need to pass query string to get intended result or do I need to store index differently. Indexes are getting created using Pega OOTB kafka queue processor.
2. We used to debug the Elastic search query by enabling log level setting of class "com.pega.pegarules.search.internal.es.FTSQueryExecutor" in Pega 7. As Elastic Search is also upgraded in Pega 8 those classes are not available. Which class/es we need to enable to see the details in log files.
Note: We are using pega ootb activity "Rule-Obj-Report-Definition.pxRetrieveSearchData" for search.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****