
Truviq Systems Private Limited
Last activity: 26 Jan 2022 13:44 EST
Elastic Search on data class not indexing new records
Hi Team,
I'm using Elastic search for one of my data class. I have created the Customer Search Properties rule and created a dedicated index and did a re-index from the Search landing page. All the records got indexed and am able to fetch the records through report definition.
But when we add new records into that table, am not able fetch those records using the report which means that incremental indexing is not happening.
I have tried the same on a work class and the incremental indexing is happening.
Is there I need to specifically do for a data class?
Appreciate your help on this.
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Luis Miguel Collantes John Paul Raja Christu Raja -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 26 Jan 2022 13:43 EST

Labb consulting
Pega provided me a solution for this. Basically as described in this post they deactivated the queue processor to update the search index when a data import from csv is performed in the data type (blobless operation).
To fix it you can go to the advanced tab of the class form, in RuleForm section select Type Harness and name "RuleForm".
That fixed the issue for me for all the tables I have created in PegaData schema that have BLOB. Every time I perform a save or modification of an instance via Obj-Save or savable datapage the index gets updated.

Truviq Systems Private Limited
Hi Team,
I'm using Elastic search for one of my data class. I have created the Customer Search Properties rule and created a dedicated index and did a re-index from the Search landing page. All the records got indexed and am able to fetch the records through report definition.
But when we add new records into that table, am not able fetch those records using the report which means that incremental indexing is not happening.
I have tried the same on a work class and the incremental indexing is happening.
Is there I need to specifically do for a data class?
Appreciate your help on this.

Pegasystems Inc.
What version of Pega is this?
Let us know if the following points are true: a) The class table is targeting PegaData database, rather than something else like CustomerData b) The class has a rule form.
John Lordo
Updated: 18 Nov 2020 0:33 EST

Truviq Systems Private Limited
Thank you for your reply.
We are facing the issue in Pega 8.3
a) Yes, the table is targeting PegaData database.
b) Yes, the class has a rule form.
Let me know for any other information required.

Pegasystems Inc.
When you say "when we add new records into that table", how exactly are the new records being added? Is this an import or manual data creation?

Truviq Systems Private Limited
Hi Nick,
Any input on this issue?

Truviq Systems Private Limited
I also see this is happening in Personal Edition.
Pega version: 8.3

Truviq Systems Private Limited
Hi Nick,
We have a landing page in the application, from where the user can enter records into the table. We capture the required fields and save them into the table using an activity.

Pegasystems Inc.
This is similar to a known issue, but that issue is specific to Imports as far as I know, so it seems like something else is going on. I would recommend entering an INC from the My Support Portal for us to investigate further. If you do that, please update here with the INC number.
Marissa Rogers

Labb consulting
I am facing the same issue in pega 8.4
I have a concrete data type with multiple instances. Then a custom search property rule on that data type with some properties on it.
Elastic search works perfect. I am able to query on that class.
If I remove or add any instance and recreate the index manually, the search index is updated. But it does not do it automatically.
This only happens with concrete data types. Work Items, data instances (like DSS´s, or anaything newly created or deleted) create a new entry System-Queue-FTSIncrementalIndexer which is processed FTSIncrementalIndexer, therefore updating the search index correctly.
I have checked deeper, and if any new instance on any of my concrete data types is created/modified/or deleted using the Records tab in the data type form, using a savable data page or an Obj-Save, no new entry is created in System-Queue-FTSIncrementalIndexer. I think that is the root of the problem.
Is there any new information on why this happens and how to fix it?
Soumya Machepalli
Accepted Solution
Updated: 26 Jan 2022 13:43 EST

Labb consulting
Pega provided me a solution for this. Basically as described in this post they deactivated the queue processor to update the search index when a data import from csv is performed in the data type (blobless operation).
To fix it you can go to the advanced tab of the class form, in RuleForm section select Type Harness and name "RuleForm".
That fixed the issue for me for all the tables I have created in PegaData schema that have BLOB. Every time I perform a save or modification of an instance via Obj-Save or savable datapage the index gets updated.
Marc-Antoine Niggemann John Paul Raja Christu Raja

Thanks, had the same issue and it worked for me too.