Last activity: 7 Aug 2019 9:35 EDT
EHLLAPI & WINHLLAPI Issue in Pega Interrogation on VDI Machines
I m trying to use 3 Mainframe session using PCOM Emulator / HOD Emulator. The Automation is just to open the session get a value and close. I have to do it in VDI Machine. When I tried to interrogate the HOD Session it gives me the error [attached]. I tried the same in PCOMM and it gives the same error. I had this package which is running fine in Laptop or Workstation but its failing in VDI. I wanted the sessions to open and close at same time and process the data at same time. I did create 3 Winhllapi / 3 Ehllapi but its not working. Please advise.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***