Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 19 Dec 2019 6:05 EST
DSS Setting to query the Production Level in DB
I want to check the Production Level of the system from the Database without the designer studio
is this possible ? Maybe via the DSS Setting ?
Thank You
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Pegasystems Inc.
What is your use case? The production level is stored in the property:
What is your use case? The production level is stored in the property:
Pegasystems Inc.
What is your use case? The production level is stored in the property:
What is your use case? The production level is stored in the property:
Pegasystems Inc.
We have a cloud environment where we need to check this prior to the upgrade for various reasons
We do not have access to the Pega Designer Studio
Please provide a query if available so i can get this from the DB
Note : I do have access to the Database
(This is a test system only)
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venkk,
Each Pega 7 Platform system has a production level, a value between 1 (lowest and least) and 5 (highest). This value affects many security features of your system.
The production levels are:
5 = production
4 = pre-production
3 = test
2 = development
1 = experimental
Hi Venkk,
Each Pega 7 Platform system has a production level, a value between 1 (lowest and least) and 5 (highest). This value affects many security features of your system.
The production levels are:
5 = production
4 = pre-production
3 = test
2 = development
1 = experimental
The System instance (the single instance of the Data-Admin-System class) contains the production level of your system. The current level is recorded as the value of the pzProductionLevel property on the Process page.
You can set this value during installation. You can change it anytime later.Production levels are referenced in Access of Role to Object rules and in various tools and wizards. In addition, through System Setting rules, you can assign distinct values for a setting based on the current production level.
To change the production level of a system, open and update the Production level field on the Production tab of the System data instance. The change takes effect (for a node) the next time that a node is started.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venkk,
I have done some more research on this & found that there is a DSS present.If you want to find the current version of production level directly from database then please execute below command.
select PYLABEL, PYOWNER, PYPURPOSE from data.PR_DATA_ADMIN p where p.PXOBJCLASS='Data-Admin-System-Settings' and p.PYPURPOSE like '%productionlevel%'
If you want to change the level using DSS please use below
Purpose:field type change/productionlevel
Value:(from 1-5 as per above comment)
Pegasystems Inc.
I tried this but did not get the value of the Production Level. Is it a difference column name ?
Pegasystems Inc.
Please ensure that you have mentioned correct schema name in there.Can you try below query & verify if you are getting result.
select * from data.PR_DATA_ADMIN;
Updated: 19 Dec 2019 3:18 EST
Pegasystems Inc.
I confirm that i am using the correct schema name
The only question here is which column holds the value of the production level in the given table
Thank You
Pegasystems Inc.
pyPurpose column stores that value.