
Last activity: 10 Mar 2017 5:23 EST
Drag and Drop: Subcase Reassignment Functionality
Hello All,
I am using PRPC version 7.1.5 and Pega Care Management for Healthcare: Care Management Framework v7.11 on Pega7.1.
We are encountering an issue when it comes to drag and drop functionality; when a manager is transferring the Parent case of a user with self-assigned subcases (This is a subcase that the user has generated for some level of work to be done, that is also assigned to them). The parent case will be transferred but the resulting self-assigned subcase is not switched to the new user. This causes a lot of confusion among our business partners. Our goal is to make it so all the following self-assigned subcases in each parent case are reassigned as well when a manager drags and drops to a new user.
We would like to know how best to proceed to modify this behavior, All of these rules that are called are the Final versions or out of the box rulesets. I need to know if there are any specific locations to add this type of functionality to avoid complications with the final rulesets and keep the integrity of the system.
Steps to Reproduce:
1) User 1 creates a parent case
2) User 1 creates a subcase that is assigned to himself, from that parent case
3) Manager drag and drops, the parent case to User 2
4) The Parent case and the SubCase should reassign to User 2