
AI4Process Ltd
Last activity: 13 Apr 2018 7:45 EDT
Does Pega throw an error at client-end/browser when the application is offline?
Does Pega throw an error at client-end or browser when the application is offline
Currently, users logged into application work on a Screen-Flow and perform assignments. At the last assignment, they calculate the Premium Amount.
After this, the application is made to be offline by disconnecting from internet and the user changes the input values involved in calculating the Premium. Again, the application is connected to internet and the user once again calculates the premium. However, the output does not show any difference in the premium amount for both cases. This means that the new input values entered by the user when the application was offline are not stored in the Clipboard.
But the question here is, why doesn't Pega show any error when the system is offline (in case of Desktop Application)? Is there a way to show the error message to the user when the application is offline?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***