
State Farm Insurance
Last activity: 27 Feb 2018 16:50 EST
Display only certain pages of pagelist in a tab repeat layout
I am using PEGA V7.1.8 and trying to display a page list in a tab repeat layout. I am able to display all the pages of the page list. But we now have a requirement to display only certain record types and hide the other. I am trying to add the visible when condition on the Tab layout but it is not recognizing the condition.
Here is an example of the class structure.
My application class is MyCo-MyApp (pyWorkPage)
The data class is MyCo-Data-ImpData (dataPage)
The page list is in MyCo-Data-ImpData-CustomerList (customerList)
I have a property pyWorkPage.dataPage.customerList
A when condition in pyWorkPage will only display/hide the entire repeat layout.
A when condition in MyCo-Data-ImpData-CustomerList class is not recognized by the tab repeat layout.
Is there any way to achieve a condition such as "Tab Visible when" similar to "Row visible When" in grid layout?