
Last activity: 29 Jul 2016 7:19 EDT
Difference between Restricted rule and Tenant rule in Multitenancy
As per the Pega 719 Multitenancy Administration Guide, there are some rules which are restricted, also there are some rules which are blocked in the tenant context. for example.
Rules restricted in tenant context
- Rule-Access-When
- Rule-Alias-Function
- Rule-Corr-Fragment
- Rule-Declare-CaseMatch
- Rule-Declare-DecisionTree
- Rule-Declare-Expressions
- Rule-HTML-Paragraph
- and more...
Rules blocked in tenant context:
- Data-Admin-Connect-AtomServer
- Data-Admin-Connect-EmailListener
- Data-Admin-Connect-FileListener
- Rule-Agent-Queue
- Rule-Connect-Cassandra
- Rule-Connect-CMIS
- Rule-Connect-dotNet
- and more...
Can anyone please let me know what is the difference between 'restricted' and 'blocked' rule in tenant context? What I found out is that Blocked rules cannot be created in tenant, and restricted rules - we cannot save as rules from multitenant admin, but new ones. Is this understanding correct?
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Category***