Difference between open work by handle VS open assignment
We know that a case can have multiple assignments. Say I have a table that contains a list of work objects and there is a link if you click on it it will open work by handle using .pxRefObjectKey. That's how we open the case. Since it could have many assignments, we will see something like below:
When we click on Go, it will open each assignment (method 1).
Say I have another table, instead of open by work handle, now this time I'm using open assignment and give pzInsKey. System will open the particular assignment (method 2).
My question is, what's the difference between I first open the case then click on GO vs. I simply open the assignment using pzInsKey?
There should be some difference because when I use method 1, I got harness fail error while trying to take user to a different harness (Harness Fail when launch harness from a case button | Support Center (pega.com)); but with method 2, there is no issue. Just wondering what's the logic behind.