
Last activity: 30 Dec 2019 10:38 EST
Deprecated rules for upgrade from Pega 7.2 to 8.x
Hi Pega Community,
currently I'm trying to find out what has to be done (rules-wise) for an upgrade from Pega 7.2 to the latest Pega 8 version.
AFAIK there are only instructions for upgrading the infrastructure (DB, App-Server) or Pega Frameworks (Customer Service, Marketing, ...) in the Pega Upgrade Center.
This leads me to the following questions, which I hope you can help me with:
- Under the headline "Prepare" in the Pega Upgrade Center it is mentioned how flows can be migrated.
Does this mean there are some deprecated shapes (or other changes) in flows which need to be replaced?
E. g. we are still having (Pega 6 style) CaseTypes which are not using stages, will they still work in Pega 8? - Is there a list of base Pega functionality which is deprecated now (e. g. usage of Declare_CachedSystemSettings), which you can post here?
- In the Upgrade from Pega 6 to 7 ActiveX was replaced by Silverlight. Is Silverlight still used in Pega 8?
- Is there something else we need to watch out for when upgrading to Pega 8?
Thanks and regards,