
Last activity: 17 Dec 2022 7:27 EST
Deleting operator with specific Access group
Hi all,
We have requirement were we need to delete the operators ID with specific Access Group.
We have around 300 user under the XYZ Access Group and all the operator under XYZ should be removed
Can some one provide one time utility in 7.3 - to fulfil this request - Please advise.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 Dec 2022 7:27 EST

@Sam27 I have replicated the scenario in my local, it's working as expected.
Please refer to attached document for detailed steps.
Updated: 8 Dec 2022 0:21 EST

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @Sam27: Can you please help to understand if this request is for PROD / test environment? If this is for PROD, it is not ideal to delete the profiles because there are chances that users have cases assigned to them and there can be inflight cases which are supposed to be routed to the user (based on your business logic). So please perform a IA before deleting the users.
If this is for test environment, you can write a simple activity to delete the operator records (or) delete the records from DB (if you are deleting from DB, consider the other index tables too). Also consider AdditionalAccessGroup of the users. There can be chances that one user can have multiple access groups.
Please see:
To delete a user using activity, open the instance, use WBDelete / Delete / Obj method to delete the record.
Marije Schillern Saikishore Sanagapalli
Updated: 8 Dec 2022 7:24 EST

@ArulDevan I- I need to delete 300 users (not active)in one go as none of the users have that AG so need activity detail steps for the same.

Cognizant Technology Solutions
Hi Sam, What Arul said is absolutely right follow it before you are deleting the operators and ensure the rules are not checked out. Find the steps of the activity below.
Sam mk Ramesh Vundela Motukatla Harsha Vardhan
Updated: 9 Dec 2022 9:19 EST

@Lakshmanan A R Thanks for the response - Can you please share the content written in step 4 and obj-delete-byhandle?
are we setting .pyAccessGroup = param.access group

Molina HealthCare
@Sam27 As Stated by @LakshmanAR you can follow the steps by passing the parameter access group value having those 300 users using step 4 Obj-Delete-By-Handle like key value "Data-Admin-Operator-ID"+" "+Param.UserID
Updated: 11 Dec 2022 5:26 EST

@RameshVundela Can you help me what is written in step4 Property-set. I might sound silly but not sure what is missing
Please find attached image -My activity is not passing inside loop though having one operator jumping from step 3 to 5 it's not passing through 4 operations

@Sam27 IN step 4,pzinskey needs to be set (which is fetched through report definition),
Please refer to the attached screenshot for further details.
Updated: 12 Dec 2022 7:31 EST

@HariPriyaY Thanks for your response - I already tried this to and it does not worked. I am really not understanding why its not going inside the loop. Not sure what is the issue here PFA

@Sam27 The page which you are looping on is reportPage but the page which you are getting the results is ReportPage.
Pls change the page on which you are looping to ReportPage.pxResults
Updated: 12 Dec 2022 8:46 EST

@HariPriyaY Thanks for the keen observation - it's been set but still the delete operation is not working
Updated: 13 Dec 2022 8:17 EST

@HariPriyaY - Not sure what I am missing in the utility. Your advice will be appreciated.
Updated: 13 Dec 2022 9:07 EST

@Sam27 Looks like some page context is not given properly.
pyPageName in step 3 should be ReportPage
And steppage of step 4 should be ReportPage.pxResults
In Pages and classes below pages should be given
Please try out with above configurations.
Sam mk
Updated: 13 Dec 2022 8:40 EST

@HariPriyaY It's the same in pages and classes.
I also made changes in step 2 as advised yesterday.
Please let me know if you need any more details. All I want this to get a fix ( missing part )
Thanks million for the reply.
Updated: 13 Dec 2022 10:22 EST

@HariPriyaY can you reproduce this in your local, we understand the steps involved just want to know if it's working on your side. Please do the needful.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 Dec 2022 7:27 EST

@Sam27 I have replicated the scenario in my local, it's working as expected.
Please refer to attached document for detailed steps.

@HariPriyaY Thankyou so much- I will give a try - Is this on Pega academy instance?

@HariPriyaY Hmm okay - I was trying on a cloud instance. I will give it a try on PE.
Thank you, Priya for your tremendous amount of time
Hari Priya Yerram

I'm not able to download the attachment. Please attach it again here so that i can also give it a try.

Deleting an operator with an AccessGroup mapping (Only one mapped) or Deleting an Operator with Specific AccessGroup when multiple accessgroups are mapped with that operator ID are 2 different requirements. The below solution which our forum mates should solve your issue unless you did not specify your requirement precisely.
Make changes in the utility prepared already to perform the operation of your actual need is identified.
Updated: 13 Dec 2022 8:16 EST

@Kishore SanagapalliThanks for the reply - my requirement is clear I want to delete all the operators which are under one specific access group.
Access group - xyz
Operators -50
coming to utility as suggested that’s not working and I am not able to understand/fix the missing part
Can you help me to correct the utility and serve the requirement? Please

Thanks for your confirmation. You can try creating a report defitnion to perform the operation and use the Access group and additional access group fields in the definitons will serve your requirement. We can connect offline too, if you need any further help from me.

@Kishore SanagapalliRD PART IS GOOD
I need the working utility mate.
Much appreciated for the response

Would you like to see your requirement gets fulilled only through Utility ? Any issues with Report Definition or running with Simple SQL Query?

@Kishore Sanagapalli We don't have DB access to perform.
How can we delete with RD?
The rd can be used to fetch the operators. After extract, this needs to be deleted in one go.
As per my understanding utility is the only best way.

Tried my Best. DId not find any Direct Utility to serve your need. Through RD and creating Custom function, Not able to achieve your requirement. You'll need to contact your Pega Admin / Database Admin to write an SQL Query (Simple Way) to perform the action.
Eventually, If you find any utility to serve your need, Please update here too.