
Last activity: 7 Feb 2017 3:27 EST
By default, > not replaced with > in SOAP Request
I am trying to update a XML BLOB Column from PEGA using service. Before that , I need to replace the < with < and > with >. By default < is replaced as < in the soap service request, but > is not getting formatted. Tried replaceAll, funtcion CDATA[] in activity,it is not working. Any leads on this would be great !
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Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
Please follow the below links :
Let me know if it helps.

Hi Akshay,
Tried using CDATA, "<![CDATA["+Param.Request+"]]>" but it simply gets appended like <![CDATA[<ns0:E-I01_ISA_01 ObjType="e" &gt]]&gt;
By default in the SOAP Request, the ">" is replaced with "&gt;" , but it should be only ">".
Tried replaceAll , even then "&" is always replaced with &

An SR has been raised for the same. Thanks everyone for the insights

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for the update. Do you mind letting us know the SR number please? We will tag that with this thread and track it until resolution.
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Virtusa IT Consulting
Are you trying to capture the SOAP request?
The statement "I am trying to update a XML BLOB Column from PEGA using service." is bit confusing, can you please elaborate the use case here?

We are having a grid which pulls data from *aaa table using RD. One of the column is a blob column having XML Data. We are having a link to update it. On click, we are using SOAP service to update that particular column value in *aaa table.
Now the issue is in the SOAP request , by default, in the xml tag corresponding to the property(column) we are updating, all < is replaced as "<" . But > is not getting replaced as ">" and this is the required format by the service. We need all < and > to be changed to < and > respectively

Virtusa IT Consulting
Are you using custom BLOB columns or the PRPC OOTB pzpvstream? if PRPC OOTB then you can expose the property from the BLOB as a column, you can use optimize for filtering wizard.