Decimal input number - Problem with decimal part
Hi everyone,
We are having some trouble trying to make a decimal input number on Pega version 8.6.3.
In order to test it without any influence from our development we used a new Data Caputre>Decimal with property ".pyTempDecimal" as following:
Presentation Tab:
Presentation Tab has as Edit Options "Auto" and Read-Only Value "Property Value".
"Actions" tab is empty.
Insertion on this input works fine on whole number part but in decimal part whatever input you use the cursor also make a movement to the right.
Hi everyone,
We are having some trouble trying to make a decimal input number on Pega version 8.6.3.
In order to test it without any influence from our development we used a new Data Caputre>Decimal with property ".pyTempDecimal" as following:
Presentation Tab:
Presentation Tab has as Edit Options "Auto" and Read-Only Value "Property Value".
"Actions" tab is empty.
Insertion on this input works fine on whole number part but in decimal part whatever input you use the cursor also make a movement to the right.
- The number is 123,45 if I put the cursor between 4 and 5 and I insert 33 the result is 123,4353
- If I put the cursor between 4 and 5 and press a movement to the left it immediatly move back in the starting position
We tried the same thing on Pega 8.1 and it works fine so my guess is that something changed on pxNumber control (or Cosmos) but everything I tried in this direction didn't work.
In conclusion what we need is to develop and input decimal number that has fixed decimal places (rounding is fine).
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add BUG Details ***