HTC Global Services Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 5 Dec 2019 1:57 EST
Debug the automations *.os files independently
Hi, I'm new to PEGA and doing the certification course for "PEGA ROBOTICS SYSTEM ARCHITECT ESSENTIALS". Currently, I'm facing an issue like "Unable to find page Sign In" in the module "18 - Exercise: Creating Windows form and procedure automation". Please help to debug the modules independently. Environment: Windows 8.1 Studio: PEGA visual studio plugin Project: ACMESearchPrj Adapter: Universal web adapter used since windows 8.1 doesn't support IE
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
In the solution you sent me, there is no place to put a breakpoint. You gave me two automations; both with entry points. There is no event to trigger anything to happen to execute either of them. Perhaps that is your issue. When you perform interrogation, does the Sign In page match? If so, it may just be that you have left off the part where you execute these automations.
Pegasystems Inc.
I am not sure what you are asking for. Would you please clarify?
HTC Global Services Pvt Ltd
I'm new to PEGA robotics, currently practicing the automation through the "Robotics Essentials" course.
Created several automation files based on the course excercise module. I'm not sure how to debug the individual automation files.
Pegasystems Inc.
Debugging is later in the course I think (it has been a while since I've seen it). You might get better results if you have a specific problem that can be addressed, as I don't think you are asking for links to materials on debugging. If you are, there are plenty of resources, but for a beginner, I think you are really asking for help with something not working. I do notice that you said you are using the Universal Web Adapter instead of the web adapter. That may work, but that adapter is slightly different than the web adapter and may be causing you some issues on its own. You mention that Windows 8.1 doesn't support IE, although that is not accurate. IE should be present, it just doesn't have a shortcut.
HTC Global Services Pvt Ltd
Thanks for your comments. Actually I was struck at the module "18 - Exercise: Creating Windows form and procedure automation".
In that module, web automation has to be completed based on the windows form button click. while triggering the button click I'm getting the error stating that "Unable to find page Sign In". For this reason only I have posted the query to know about debugging the individual automation file.
Pegasystems Inc.
You can apply a breakpoint in the automation as shown in module 13, but I think you may just have your automation setup incorrectly. In that lesson, your btnTest should connect to the IsCreated property of ACMEwpHome. I do not see anywhere in that module where Sign-In is used. You can also use the logs shown in module 14 to identify where your error message is coming from.
HTC Global Services Pvt Ltd
HTC Global Services Pvt Ltd
Pegasystems Inc.
I downloaded the attached project and it matches the Sign In page. I wonder if you just have Chrome in a bad state. Try closing all Chrome Processes in Task Manager (got to the Details tab to see all processes) before you run your project and see if that works.
HTC Global Services Pvt Ltd
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
In the solution you sent me, there is no place to put a breakpoint. You gave me two automations; both with entry points. There is no event to trigger anything to happen to execute either of them. Perhaps that is your issue. When you perform interrogation, does the Sign In page match? If so, it may just be that you have left off the part where you execute these automations.
HTC Global Services Pvt Ltd
Thanks for the update.
After adding the trigger method, the automation is working. Finally, I understood that a single trigger method or event is required to initiate the automation process.