DB Bytes Read (PEGA 0004) Critical Alert --------> 7.1.8
Pega0004 critical Alerts are coming in alert logs.
Description:The number of database bytes input for this interaction has exceeded the WARNING level for Requestor HB7158403A32F62A44E021BE0047462E0, operator cjyothi Maximum bytes: 5000000 Actual bytes: 5556815
Pega Stack:
>> Property-Set;RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY WORK- GETATTACHMENTREFERENCE #20150806T173755.381 GMT Step: 10 Circum: 0;doActivity Rule-Obj-Activity:GetAttachmentReference;initial Executable;0 additional frames in stack;
>> Obj-Open-By-Handle;RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY WORK- OPEN #20150306T061357.865 GMT Step: 7 Circum: 0;doActivity Rule-Obj-Activity:Open;java;RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY @BASECLASS DOUIACTION #20150515T115751.633 GMT Step: 24 Circum: 0;2 additional frames in stack;
>>Looks like first stack trace was occurred due to the utility function( @pxHaveAttachmentSpecificAccess(myStepPage, "pyAllowViewAll") ) is being invoked at step#10 of GetAttachmentReference activity,
I see the PDN has suggested a local change to resolve this issue on (https://pdn.pega.com/support-articles/seeing-pega0004-when-user-accesses-attachments-list) , and it's for 6.2 version but Is the issue still persist on 7.1.8 version too?
Pega0004 critical Alerts are coming in alert logs.
Description:The number of database bytes input for this interaction has exceeded the WARNING level for Requestor HB7158403A32F62A44E021BE0047462E0, operator cjyothi Maximum bytes: 5000000 Actual bytes: 5556815
Pega Stack:
>> Property-Set;RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY WORK- GETATTACHMENTREFERENCE #20150806T173755.381 GMT Step: 10 Circum: 0;doActivity Rule-Obj-Activity:GetAttachmentReference;initial Executable;0 additional frames in stack;
>> Obj-Open-By-Handle;RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY WORK- OPEN #20150306T061357.865 GMT Step: 7 Circum: 0;doActivity Rule-Obj-Activity:Open;java;RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY @BASECLASS DOUIACTION #20150515T115751.633 GMT Step: 24 Circum: 0;2 additional frames in stack;
>>Looks like first stack trace was occurred due to the utility function( @pxHaveAttachmentSpecificAccess(myStepPage, "pyAllowViewAll") ) is being invoked at step#10 of GetAttachmentReference activity,
I see the PDN has suggested a local change to resolve this issue on (https://pdn.pega.com/support-articles/seeing-pega0004-when-user-accesses-attachments-list) , and it's for 6.2 version but Is the issue still persist on 7.1.8 version too?
>> Second stack trace was occurred while reading BLOB column of a object in a single interaction,which has more than 50 MB . Is it suggestible to increase value of below env variable ? if yes then what would be the feasible value to set up?
alerts/database/interactionByteThreshold/warnMB (Default 50 MB).
Any suggestion are appreciated .