
Sun Life Financial Inc
Last activity: 31 Aug 2020 13:50 EDT
Date Time Conversion
I have to convert "2020-08-19 03:14:58 EDT" to "yyyyMMDD'T'HHmmss" + 000 EDT format.
For this I tried using functions:
@ConvertDateFormat(.ScanDate,"yyyy-MM-DD hh:mm:ss","yyyyMMDD'T'hhmmss") + ".000 EDT"
where ScanDate is the input format i.e., "2020-08-19 03:14:58 EDT"
So the output after using this function is "20200119T031458.000 EDT" . The problem with this function is that it converts month to Jaunary
So after this i tried function
@DateTime.FormatDateTime(.ScanDate,"yyyyMMDD'T'HHmmss","","") + ".000 EDT"
This function returns NULL.
Please help in figure out how to convert in the above format
Thanks for your help.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update General to Product***