Last activity: 31 Aug 2020 14:30 EDT
DataFlow not running in batch mode from an activity when triggering from the TestCase rules.
I am trying to create a Test Case Rule to test a activity which runs a dataflow in batch mode using pxRunDDFWithProgressPage OOTB activity.
When I am running the activity it is successfully running the dataflow.
Now, I have created a TestCase rule to test the activity. On it's(TestCase's) first execution, it is actually running the activity, which in turns starting the DataFlow execution in Batch mode. But, When I am trying to run the TestCase Again, in the tracer, I am seeing activity has executed properly with no error/exception, but the DataFlow execution haven't occured.
Have any one faced this issue. if yes, then please share your knowledge.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update General to Product***