
Reply S.P.A.
Last activity: 8 May 2023 6:29 EDT
Database-General Connection Exception HikariPool
We are experiencing the following error while trying to connect to an external database:
Database-General Connection Exception 0 HikariPool-2 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 10002ms. DatabaseException caused by prior exception: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-2 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 10002ms. | SQL Code: 0 | SQL State: null
The DB is up&running and we didn't change the configuration of the database rule since 3 months ago.
We noticed the error while trying to execute an Extract rule, but also clicking con "Test Connection" of the database rule cause the same error.
Is there any configuration we should modify to solve this issue or any log we can check?
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Reply S.P.A.
@DanielD4743 No, we don't. It seems that Pega opens connection towards the DB without closing them and sometimes the max number of allowed connection configured on the DB is overcome.
We are planning su replace each process based on exchange of data with the external DB using processes that exchange data using files to avoid this issue.

Citigroup Inc
Hi Silvia, is the solution mentioned above working permanently. Please confirm. we are seeing the same error when connecting to TERDATA DB from Pega using JDBC connection pool..
Test Database Connection Status Value: Database-General Connection Exception 0 HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 10008ms. DatabaseException caused by prior exception: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 10008ms. | SQL Code: 0 | SQL State: null Fail

DB Systel GmbH
@AnshumanM1959 in our case we had a connection from a sandbox system with wrong setting. This connection was trying to connect and did activate some protective blocking from Azure side. Removing the wrong setting/ connection, it worked properly. Perhaps have someone from DB side check the connections and investigate whether there are unwanted connections blocking the pool. As far as I understood, the connections do not get terminated after usage, but only after time.

You can try apply the below settings to mitigate the issue. It worked for us.
Method-1: By applying the below settings in prconfig.xml as a first step.
<env name="database/databases/<Database-Name>/maxConnectionsTimeout" value="90"/> <env name="database/databases/<Database-Name>/connectionPoolSize" value="75" />
Method-2: Follow Method 2 if you're facing the issue even after applied the changes mentioned in Method-1.
Inside Pega Platform - Records - SysAdmin - Database
Upon Selecting a required Database Option from the list, Click on it to Open and Navigate to Advanced Tab. You Can alter the maxConnectionPool Size Value There and save it.
Screenshot also added for your reference.
Note: Infact, You can apply the changes in explained in Method:2 Directly also. But it's wise to apply one by one.
Updated: 30 Mar 2023 12:24 EDT

Citigroup Inc
@KishoreSanagapalli Hi Kishore, is the solution mentioned above working permanently. Please confirm. we are seeing the same error when connecting to TERDATA DB from Pega using JDBC connection pool..
Test Database Connection Status Value: Database-General Connection Exception 0 HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 10008ms. DatabaseException caused by prior exception: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 10008ms. | SQL Code: 0 | SQL State: null Fail

I never had any experience with Teradata DB. But since we're configuring the Settings in the Pega Application, You could give it a try. Please post the result once you added the required settings and tested it.

I'm glad if you could post the issue status? Also, Feel free to accept my Solution if it worked for you.