Vodafone GmbH
Last activity: 15 Dec 2016 8:08 EST
Data Reference vs. Linked Property
does anybody know when to use a Linked Property to refer to a Data Page and when to use a Data Reference?
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Virtusa IT Consulting
There is a good example about linked property, please check this article
For Data reference, are you looking for Reference properties? if yes then, The reference property can be used if you want to relate a property to another property, where both properties belong to same top-level page or are in different top-level pages. Reference property can be used instead of copying the another page.
However it depends on the usecase which may define later as which pattern you can use to access data page.
Habeeb Baig
Vodafone GmbH
Hi Baigh,
I already read this article about linked properties, it is more or less a database foreign key relationship. Anyway data reference - which you can define in data model of a case - is very similar, but what I can see in the database is that the complete reference page is stored as well, which costs additional disk space. For data references I still need to define another property which holds the unique key of the referenced page.
For me it is still not clear, when to use what. Currently I would say use only linked properties.
What do you think?
Regards, Adre
Vodafone GmbH
Hi Baigh,
what you mean is property reference. I found something about it in the Lead System Architecture Training Guide.
What I mean is realy Data reference, when defining the data model of a case.
Regards, Andre
Charles Schwab
Hello Andre,
When we use linked properties, Pega performs a database lookup and retrieves the blob into the linked reference page (it is evident in the article as well). Even though we wanted one property value from BLOB, we are fetching the entire BLOB in memory. Hence, I think a data reference populated by a parameterized data page (which in turn probably performs a lookup via RD, thus retrieving only selected recrods) is better instead of using linked properties.
Hopefully I understood your question correctly..
Intersted to hear your thoughts.
Vodafone GmbH
Hi Hector,
yes, you understand my question correctly. But I don't get your point rather the difference. Could you please explain more the benefits in using data references?
Thanks, Andre
Vodafone GmbH
Hi Hector,
i think I got the point. With linked properties you just define a Foreign Key relationship. With data reference you can use Report Definitions in Data Pages to filter data with special criteria. It is more dynamically.
Is my understanding correct?
Regards, Andre