
BA Continuum India Private Ltd
Last activity: 22 May 2018 4:28 EDT
Data Page refer issue
We have a page present in pyWorkPage which refers to a D Page. During the execution of application, the number of cases that are created will be added with its details as a page in the D Page. This will be referred by a page that is present under pyWorkPage. The issue is even though we have added 2 to 3 cases that are appended a page lists in the D Page, only one page list is being show under pyWorkpage.
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EPAM Systems, Inc.
I got little confused with your statement "The issue is even though we have added 2 to 3 cases that are appended a page lists in the D Page, only one page list is being show under pyWorkpage"
Do you mean to say that, each case is added as an entry in data page which is subsequently referred to a page list under "pyWorkPage"? And this page list isn't getting updated during runtime?0
As per my knowledge, there is some discrepancy in the design. Data Page is loaded periodically or at reference. In your case, both these refresh strategy would be useless. Because, neither the case would be added periodically nor "Reload once interaction" will work, as no reference is made to update the data page content thus it's available in the page list under pyWorkPage.
Could you elaborate on your business requirement along with screen-shot for better understanding?

BA Continuum India Private Ltd
Your statement "Do you mean to say that, each case is added as an entry in data page which is subsequently referred to a page list under "pyWorkPage"? And this page list isn't getting updated during runtime?" is correct.
It is the thread level Page. and if i see the D Page in clipbaord it is in the updated status, however the page which is referring to the D Page is not updated. Hope it clarifies.

BA Continuum India Private Ltd
Any idea?

Pegasystems Inc.
If you are using Refer to a datapage in property (which is of type page), then pyWorkPage should also show the latest data page values.
what is the refresh strategy of your data page? pyWorkPage and datapage you are verifying, are both in same thread?
alphonse vivanloc

BA Continuum India Private Ltd
It is editable thread level data Page. And the structure is list which is same as that of property and both Data Page, pyWorkPage are in same thread scope.

Pegasystems Inc.
Data page should have results in the form of pxResults, each pxResult will be mapped to page list property.
Also can you try making the data page read only once and test this.
Andrey Ostrovskiy Kommisetti V M Durga Prasad

BA Continuum India Private Ltd
"Data page should have results in the form of pxResults, each pxResult will be mapped to page list property." yes it is like that. We can't test it by changing to ReadOnly as the application flow will fail.

Pegasystems Inc.
then it should work fine. Not able to understand the issue, Please share screen shots of the configuration if possible, otherwise you may need to raise an SR for debugging the issue further.