
Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Last activity: 30 Jul 2019 2:55 EDT
Dashboard zoomed varies
Hi Team,
I am also facing same issue (as discussed here) like the view of dashboard is zoomed in my system.But Its varying depending on the system (Ex:My screen resolution is 1366*768 its showing the dashboard zoomed but i have checked the another system with the same resoluction its not zooming the dashboard )
I have attached the screenshot for your reference.Kindly solve this issue
Sornalatha R
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to reply into new post***
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Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for posting your question on Pega Support Community.
This is happening probably due to responsive behaviors . Responsive behaviors enable a layout to adjust according to screen size, providing an optimal user experience on a desktop, tablet, and phone.

Pegasystems Inc.
Could you check if the responsiveness of the table/grid is checked.
Also see if the browser and operator are same. (As depending on the operator a different grid might come into picture.)

Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Hi Sahuv1,
I have checked the responsiveness of the table/Grid. All the tables the responsiveness checkbox is clicked but still when the screen size is 100% it's showing the scroll bar in the right side only
Actual result :Scroll is placed in the right side of the screen when we login into the portal.
Expected result : When the user login as manager/user portal It should be aligned in the left side by default.
Kindly solve this ASAP.Early response will be highly appreciated.
Sornalatha R

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sornalatha,
I can see that the scollbar is on the TEAM (section ), please verfiy if it is on GRID ONLY .
On initial load the focus might be setting on a element which is at extreme right , so the scollbar is moving to right. To confirm this put a text inupt before the grid (for testing purpose only) and then check the behaviour.

UBS Card Center AG

Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Hi ,
I am not viewing the dashboard on laptop.I am using the system.
1.My requiremnt is the dashboard of the scroll bar have to aligned leftside by default when the user is having the screen resolution as 100%
2. I am saying about Horizontal scroll bar.Its comming on the right side



Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Hi Fahad,
1. As per your suggestion, I have changed to fill 100% in my private edit and then I refreshed the dashboard but when I am launching to dashboard (100% resolution) starting its coming in the left side but after few seconds it's going to the right side. My requirement is the scroll bar should be aligned left side by default.
2. You have said like try deleting one element at a time from your sections but in dashboard, we are having so many widgets. Each widgets should have more elements.SO how can we implement for all the widgets?
Is there any other way to achieve this?
Kindly anyone helps me to fix this bug. Early response will be highly appreciated.
Sornalatha R


Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Hi Fahad,
We are using the pyWorkListWidgetGridsAuto section. As per your suggestion, I have removed the table all together from the section. After that, I have launched the dashboard but still, the scroll bar is coming in the right side.


Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Hi Fahad,
For short duration, I have followed the another way like I kept scroll bar for each widget so that the main page(full screen)not showing the scroll bar .Thanks for your response. Sure I will try later.
Sornalatha R

Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Hi Everyone,
What are the approaches I have tried to get the scrollbar as left side by default mentioned below but still it's not coming. Kindly help me to achieve this.
1. Both skin and table level enabled the Enable support for responsive breakpoints checkbox
2. For all the widget each cell I make it first cell as primary and rem column as secondary instead of other(Reason: when we enable the responsive breakpoint while testing if we are minimizing the page in Internet Explorer(only for this browser) the contents are not showing
3. Compressed the width of the each cell
4.Removed one by one widget and tested(widgets are Worklist, Team WorkList, Case entered by me, my case)
5. In the table of grid-,> in the general tab field enabled the optimize code checkbox but its showing error the other widgets except for mycase widget
These are the approaches I have tried but still when I launch the dashboard(having 100% resolution)the scroll bar coming in the right side.
kindly help me to solve this issue ASAP.
Early response will be highly appreciated
Sornalatha R

Hexaware Technologies Ltd
Is there is any way to calculate the dynamic width (CSS code) based on the screen resoluction
For example, in each widget->for the table gird->in the presentation tab -> I have added the CSS code for a scroll bar. But If add more widgets then it's overlapping the content.
Kindly give me suggestion
Sornalatha R