
Last activity: 24 May 2023 3:12 EDT
Customized Radio Button with Boolean is not carrying forward its label to the next screen
I have customized a radio button to include labels as "Positive" and "Negative" for True and False respectively and I have used Data Page as a source for displaying "Positive" and "Negative" text. Now the same label is not being carry forwarded to the next screen where the same property exists.
I can see this property value as true in clipboard when selected "Positive" and false when selected "Negative" in the previous screen but needed label to be automatically selected which was selected in the previous screen.
How can achieve this.
Sakhib Hussain
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NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @SakhibHussain: Were you able to check the property value in clipboard when the case is moved to the next assignment? If there is a reset for the property value as part of flow / post processing, you may see the radio button without any values selected in the next assignment. Tracing will help to understand this.
Also can you help us to understand what is happening to the radio buttons when it is moved to the next assignment? Does the selection gets blanked out?

@ArulDevan when the case is moved into next assignment the clipboard property value is true/false depending on the selection.
There is no reset happening as part of post processing.
Radio button's selection gets blanked out when it is moved to next assignment.

Bits in Glass
@SakhibHussain in the action set of radio button can you add onchange-> post value.
The value of the radiobutton will not be blanked when you move to next assignment if you do this.

@Anoop Krishna Have added Post value onchange. Still the option is blank without any selection

Bits in Glass
@SakhibHussain can you once logout and login, then on changing true/false in the UI check clipboard if the value also getting changed.
Then on clicking submit button can you trace to check at what point the value is getting blank.
Also in the next screen, is this property read only?

@Anoop KrishnaYes on changing true/false in the UI, the clipboard value is getting changed. Actually the value is not getting blank. The label is getting blank i.e., in the radio button, none of the two options are selected.
Updated: 24 May 2023 2:17 EDT

Bits in Glass
@SakhibHussain okay, if the value is there in the clipboard, selection should have there in the UI. Can you post the screenshot of how that selection is looking like in the UI in the second assignment?

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @SakhibHussain: So when the case is moved to next assignment and when you open the new assignment, you are able to see the correct value in clipboard but the UI is showing blank. This shouldn't be the case because it should show the selections in radio button if the values are available in clipboard. If there are any issues in the data page access by the second person, then the options in the radio button shouldn't be shown.
Can you please help to check whether the correct section is used and the radio button configurations are correct in the second assignment using Live UI? Also please check if there is a change in the page context using which the section is loaded. You can use tracer to check this using stream rules enabled in tracer settings.
Also please check if the same radio button is referred multiple times in the UI.

@ArulDevan Actually I am getting the value in the clipboard but label in the radio button is not selected.

NCS Pte. Ltd
Hi @SakhibHussain: If you have done the above debugging and couldn't find the issue, I suggest to wait for other community members to share their views (or) you can check with PEGA support team raising a incident.
Sakhib Hussain

ING Nederland
Hi @SakhibHussain, try using a prompt list for this scenario in your radio button's property. This way you can store true/false in clipboard/dB and display it as Positive/Negative.