
Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Last activity: 4 Mar 2020 4:23 EST
Creating multiple child case
I have one pagelist in that pagelist one of the property has picklist drop down. Based on this dropdown i need to create multiple child cases.
upon selection of one picklist, the case is created and respective data must be visible to him in that case.
This needed to be followed for other cases and cases must be visible to different users .
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Uday Parki -
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Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
On the action set of the dropdown, map the multiple child case details to the pagelist and use Create case utility and select Create Child cases, select the checkbox "Create multiple child cases using a list", mention the pagelist in "List field". select "copy page data to a new subcase" to populate the data to the child case.
Please find below screenshot for more details :

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Can you Help me with Example

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
After this step what we need to do in child case to view respective data from pagelist (which has picklist)
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
As you will be copying the data to the new pagelist, it will have the picklist value and when you select "copy page data to a new subcase", child case will have the data.

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Yeah I used data propagation. But my problem is to display the some kind of data to the one value from dropdown of first property of pagelist. similar to others from dropdown of first property of pagelist.

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
In this screenshort i have pagelist. In first property i have selected 3 types of hardware and based on this i have to create these 3 types of child cases and remaining data should be visible to that child case only

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Can you help me with the creating assignments with each type of hardware. so that there tasks are completetd.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
So, for each value you of drop-down you have seperate case type designed?

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Do we need to create case type of type of hardware or need to create in a child case(i.e Vendor) or need to create separate completely 3 different case types and configure the case types in each of case types
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
If you want to have each case for each value selected in the dropdown create 3 separate child cases.
Please find the below steps:
1) Create 3 child case types for the parent case and configure the flows in each case.
2) In the post-processing of the "Request" assignment copy the values from Hardware products pagelist to different pagelists like CarHardware, scooterhardware, etc.respectively.
3)Instead of having a single Create case step below Request step, have multiple create case steps and use the above created pagelists CarHardware, scooterhardware, etc. for each.

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Can you help me with small example and post your screenshots. i'm little confused here.

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Confused in step 3

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Confused from step 1 configure the flows in each case. ???

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
My question what happens if i have more than 3 details in my dropdown. What is the Process??
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Let me take an example and share screenshots with you.
At most how many values will be there in the dropdown?

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
5 values. these values may be repetitive upon product drop down. and if selected(from type of hardware) only then move to that child case. if not no assignment( no flow to that child case).
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Please find the below attached screenshots.

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
.childcas1list is a pagelist where does it belong??
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I have given the example, in your scenario, it will be CarHardware list for creating CardHardware child case.

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
For Every create case step do we need to configure same as showed in screenshot 1 and can you explain what happens when the checkbox create multiple cases using a list??. Allcaselist belongs to 1 step(assignment) right??.
How to route each child case to the 1st dropdown value(Operator). To do this we need to route each of step(in connector) to the operator ID.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, we need to configure for each type. If we select the checkbox to create multiple cases using a list then multiple cases will be created based on pagelist length.
Allcaselist in your scenario will be HarwareProducts.
One question, so all child cases in your scenario will be a vendor? If yes, you don't need to configure the create case multiple times.
For routing open the first assignment and configure as said the in below article comment.

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
i have 3 things in type of hardware (1st dropdown )but i will use it frequently number of times. but only need to create 3 assignments and needed to be routed to 3 different operators (1 child case)

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Here is the screenshot i have 6 data but type of hardware are repeated but i want to create only 3 assignments such respective data is routed to respective dropdown(type of hardware)
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
So in the data transform when you are Appending to the Test1 pagelist, check the length of the pagelist and if it is equal to 1 then do not append.

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
I have a problem in moving to the next stage(Not able to move to next stage)
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Do you mean after creating child cases, you are not able to move to the next stage?
Could you please share screenshots or video?

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
So when you are trying to do the change stage manually you are not able to proceed?

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
I need to proceed to next stage when all of the child cases are resolved.
But in my case when i run the step 4. hardware (child case) initially then it is moving to next stage.
But when i run 1st child case to 3rd child case it is not proceeding to next stage

Capgemini India PVT Ltd
Help me