
TD Bank Group
Last activity: 19 Jun 2018 10:14 EDT
CPM Finish assignment / Submit Flow Action from Java Script
We have a requirement where from an Intent we create another work object, display it and submit the current intent.
The only way we could find to kind of do it is to create the work object as part of the post processing on the Intent and have another "dummy" assignment to the current user which displays a section with some javascript which opens the newly created work object using pega.desktop.openWorkByHandleReload and then submits the assignment.
I am able to easilly close the work item, but this won't finish the assignment. I tried using
which submits the flow action, but it does not mark the intent as completed.
Is there a way to do this which would mark the Intent as Completed inside the current Interaction?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***