Context for action(checkbox click) on grid row is set incorrectly
I have a table list of questions and on click of each question the details of that question opens in a modal dialogue. On the modal dialogue we have capability to add attachments into another list (this is on the modal itself) using OOTB browse and attach functionality. Each attachment added to the list has its corresponding check-box.
In my requirement I need to enable the checkbox for each attachment if it is added to the corresponding question.
For eg: In Question1 attaching DOC1, DOC2 & DOC3. So if I open the modal dialogue for Question1, DOC1,2,3 should be checked. If I open the modal window for Question 2, DOC1,2,3 should be unchecked. But if the user checks/selects docs under Question2 and clicks Save and reopens the same modal dialogue then the DOC attachments should remain checked.
Here I am facing issue with context for action on the attachments grid row which is set incorrectly by prpc when I traced.
For example in the attached screenshot the scenario executed was to select rows 1,2 and 3 and on select of each row the Data transform on the row is executed.
But if look at the context of second execution of the data transform the context is still set to 1 which is not correct. It should have been pyWorkPage.pyAttachments(2). Any ideas on how I can fix this will be helpful or has anyone faced a similar issue?