
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 28 Sep 2024 16:15 EDT
Constellation configuring Business properties at myWorkQueue
We are building Pega application on constellation at Pega infinity 23.1.2 platform. We have to meet the business requirement to display My Work Queue. The data need to be displayed in tabular format along with Case ID (work object ID) and other business attributes.
As in Constellation the list of records needs to displayed using data pages. The data Page refers to a class. In order to configure the view, the business properties need to be part of data page's object type i.e. referenced class.
Following options explored:
1) Recreate the business properties in Assign-WorkBasket class & create the data page refering to Assign-WorkBasket. Source the data from work and assign-workbasket table. This option does not seem to be good practice as Assign-WorkBasket will get polluted from business specific properties as each application may create business specific properties.
2) Create business specific class and have those properties that is needed for business. Create data page referring to the business specific class. Source the data page data from Assign-WorkBasket & worktable. Issue is following with this approach - a) The work object needs to be opened and takes to the assignment. 2) Providing the link to open the work object
Looking forward from elite group for help.