
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 27 Jul 2015 15:23 EDT
Connect REST wizard Step "4:Generate Records" fails (PRPC 7.1.7)
I got below error when I run the Connect REST wizard against google books API,
"GET", MpAgAQAAMAAJ is specific volume id, you may change it.
It seems the wizard is trying to create a new rule set and add it to the current application rule set stack, but using incorrect parameters to read application definition. (see step status info below)
I got below error when I run the Connect REST wizard against google books API,
"GET", MpAgAQAAMAAJ is specific volume id, you may change it.
It seems the wizard is trying to create a new rule set and add it to the current application rule set stack, but using incorrect parameters to read application definition. (see step status info below)
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It seems it cant find the Access group from the DB. You want to share the full exception stack from PegaRULES logs.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Aditya,
Unfortunately there isn't any exception stack in the PegaRULES log file, so I attached Tracer log instead.
In my application there is a production rule set defined, and the production rule set is associated with the access group of my operator ID.
You can see the "Production Rulesets" are selected by default under the "Context" section, and I don't know if this production rule set is causing the problem.

Pegasystems Inc.
Not sure - could be wrong, but the use of production ruleset might not be a right option for generating rules.
as the context to generate the rules in production ruleset is not showing up in ML6, ML8 & also not specified in help file...
I could not get past the error [Unable to load ~Access Group~ from database] in ML7 though the product ruleset is configured at both application & access group rule forms.
When looked at the data page [D_pzAvailableApplicationStack] it has Application Name & Version to be the parameters to drive the generation of records...
Have to learn the configuration & what causes this error when Production ruleset context is selected or might need to import Hfix (if available) to skip showing the product ruleset option.
Please share your thoughts, Thank you!

Pegasystems Inc.
I didn't deliberately chose the "production rulesets" option, it was selected by default, and I couldn't change it when "Add to ruleset" option is "new".
It is strange why "production rulesets" option matters, even the Context is add to a new ruleset.

Pegasystems Inc.
from my learnings - its a default selection. by selecting existing ruleset, we are able to choose the app context layer...

Pegasystems Inc.
Then how can we generate those rules in a new ruleset using the wizard?

Pegasystems Inc.
could you please check if 'RuleSet restrictions' is applied on class rule form...

Pegasystems Inc.
I don't understand your question very well, there is nothing have been generated yet due to the error.
Which class should I check for?

Pegasystems Inc.
Please remove 'RuleSet restrictions' for class PersonalEdition-Int and try if we are able to see the new rulesets that are created prior in the system for us to generate the rules in that new ruleset (treating it as an existing ruleset)

Pegasystems Inc.
I think your point is removing the ruleset restrictions imposed on the "parent class", which is specified on the "Integration class" section on the wizard screen.
So, instead of changing the "PersonalEdition-Int" class definition, I changed the "parent class" to "Int-", an OOTB class, but problem doesn't solve.

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
It means "Add to ruleset: new" option doesn't work as it is described in the prhelp document, we need a Bug report to fix this issue.
Do you know how to create a Bug report instead of going SR process? or simply should I just move this mesh thread to a different mesh place, where product teams can notice this issue.
Updated: 27 Jul 2015 15:23 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I guess the issue is already fixed. we might need to contact GCS for the fix. could you please double check the build version of Pega 7.1.7
The machine that I've accessed this morning was reset
- I'm not seeing Production ruleset option .
- was also able to generate rules successfully in new/existing rulesets.