
Last activity: 22 Jul 2020 10:12 EDT
Configuring error message for SAML2.0 based SSO
Dear Experts,
We have configured SAML2.0 based Authentication Service for Single Sign-On. ADFS is used as IDP. The SSO authentication is working properly. However we are unable to display custom error message if authorization fails. I am looking for your help and suggestion for following items.
1. During SSO authentication we are checking whether the ID is part of a particular AD group. If they aren't part of the AD Group then login will be denied. We are able to achieve this part but on screen we aren't able to display a custom message. We are always getting default error message. Can you please let me know if we can show custom message in this scenario?
2. If Login fails we want to redirect to a different page. Is it possible to redirect to a different web-page during SSO authentication?
We are on 8.3.2 and OOTB SAML2.0 based SSO is used. Automatic operator provisioning is enabled using data transform.