
Morgan Stanley
Last activity: 3 Mar 2020 1:44 EST
Configure prconfig.xml settings as a tomcat property in tomcat configuration file
We have a few configurations which can be moved out of prconfig.xml file into tomcat configuration file as a tomcat property, like the below mentioned properties which can be used to control tempdir and pega log folders.
1. pega.logs 2. pega.tempdir
I would like to provide a few configurations of Kafka in the tomcat. Where can i get the property name
I'm looking at the below two configurations:
- dsm/services/stream/pyUnpackBasePath
- dsm/services/stream/pyBaseLogPath
The below mentioned article talks about prconfig.xml or a DSS but not a shorthand tomcat property.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****