Concatenate Date and Time properties into a DateTime property
I would like to concatenate Date and Time properties into a DateTime property taking into account the requestor timezone and using an existing data transform, function or activity that could be reused everywhere in the application.
Is there an function, data transform or other generic element that could fulfill such basic conversion with input parameters Date, TimeOfDay, Hours, Minutes, ... and output DateTime?
1) I have a Date property ("31/12/2019") and TimeOfDay property ("13:10:00") filled-in by a user in the timezone Europe/Brussels (GMT + 1) => I want to save the GMT value in a DateTime property ("31122019T12100000.000 GMT")
2) I have a Date property ("31/12/2019"), hours ("13") and minutes ("10") filled-in by a user in the timezone Europe/Brussels (GMT + 1) => I want to save the GMT value in a DateTime property ("31122019T12100000.000 GMT")