Comparison of paragraph rules
Is it possible to use NLP for text comparison of 2 paragraph rules and highlighting the differences.
Or is there another approach without writing a custom java script
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Is it possible to use NLP for text comparison of 2 paragraph rules and highlighting the differences.
Or is there another approach without writing a custom java script
The use case is not clear. What do you mean by "text comparison of 2 paragraph rules"?
Can you give us an example with input texts and expected outputs?
Below is the scenario,
There is a text area where one user includes the text. Another user has the ability to edit that text area.
Now we need to show what are the changes made by the 2nd user by highlighting the differences he made on the text area itself
I don't see how NLP would be used in this fashion. NLP attempts to detect sentiment, language use, etc. Its results are presented with a "measured" confidence ... E.g. 90% confidence in analysis. There are "text similarity" uses but again - the end result is not a character by character comparison.
I see nothing in Pega's implementation of NLP that would fit this use case.
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