
Coforge Limited
Last activity: 12 Jan 2016 1:04 EST
Collapsible Repeating grid layout getting collapsed on submitting the form or Onchange Refresh this section
Hi All
I have a section in which there are 3 collapsible layout and one of the collapsible layout is repeating grid. The collapsible layout with repeating grid gets collapsed when I submits the form or when on change refresh this section is done on any field on the same form. The other collapsible layout remains expand. My requirement is to have this layout always expanded until user click on it to collapse. I tired expand when condition also as (1==1 or true==true) so that it always remains open but of no use. At design time also I have set it as expanded by default. So as we come to this form for the first time it remains expanded but as soon as we click on next button it gets collapsed. Please provide me some fix for it.
Thanks in advance
Pankaj Sharma