
Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 26 Jan 2016 8:57 EST
Closing work area--UI
I've a requirement that on click of a button a new case is opened in a new tab and current tab will be closed. For opening the new case I have used javascript onclick of the button. Please suggest some ways to close the current tab at the same time.
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I moved this question to the Product Support space as it is a PRPC question.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Brijesh,
Which PRPC version are you using?
For opening a new Case, was there a reason to use javascript and not OOTB UI Action?
When you say current tab should be closed, I am assuming your button is placed in the same work object tab which you are trying to close.
In that case you can use OOTB Cancel action to close the existing tab.
Let us know if this helps.

Tech Mahindra
Hi Pankaj,
We are using Pega 6.3 SP1. I've used javascript to open the assignment of the new work object in perform mode, if only one one work object is created, otherwise we do not open a new tab. And the button is placed in the same work object tab which we are trying to close.

Would it help to try to replace old work object with new one in SAME tab instead of opening new one in a new tab and closing old tab ? /Eric

Tech Mahindra
Nope we have to open the new work object in a new tab...:(

I am in exact situation.
While user is working on a case, he / she should be able to open another assignment of different object by click of button (there is a logic behind it to calculate assignment key,) now when user click the button current work item should close and open new work.
if i use this order cancel and open assignment then work object closes before opening of the work item.
if open assignment and cancel then new work item will be closed.
i could have solved this issue by using single document mode of dynamic container, but we have other limitations and have to use multi document mode.]
any idea to solve this scenario

Pegasystems Inc.
>>> While user is working on a case, he / she should be able to open another assignment of different object by click of button
- would customizing/levering OOTB GetNextWork be of use instead of Open assignment?
>>> now when user click the button current work item should close and open new work.
if we're on PRPC 6x series
- a new tab will be opened next to already opened workobject
if we're on Pega 7x series
- the current workobject will be replaced with new workobject pulled from onClick event.

Thnaks for the reply
if we're on Pega 7x series
- the current workobject will be replaced with new workobject pulled from onClick event ..
This will happen only if we use single document mode not the multiple document , as I mentioned earlier I have a limitation to use multiple document mode only.