Close a screen using an activity
Hi everyone,
I have a small issue. I have to close a screen using an activity based on a condition. ( Therefore Submit button would not help)
On one side of the condition I have to perform a back-to-back assignment. Therefore, in flow action configuration, I have to enable back-to-back configuration and tick "Look for an assignment to perfrom".(Please refer attachment). It works fine.
On the other side of the condition, I need to rout it to current user's worklist and close the current assignment screen Routing part works fine as well.
Problem is since I have enabled back-to-back configuration and tick "Look for an assignment to perfrom", when its routed to the worklist, that screen loads again.
Is there any activity or other ways to use in an activity to close the current screen? I have used DoClose() but it does not work properly.
Thanks in advance.