
Last activity: 2 Dec 2019 15:20 EST
Clarification on Case Create security restriction using ABAC
Hello PDN Team, I have following use case, Please review and and your comments.
Use case : How to provide Case create access for only set of users using ABAC (Attribute based access control).
To implement this, I Created a Access When (Ex. To check AcessGroupA) , Access control Policy condition and Access Control policy (Selected Action = Update as there is no action for create).
When a user doesn't belongs to AccessGroupA and try to create the case an error message getting displayed something like below.
Access Control Policy denied access for class ABC-Work-Task and action Modify.
You are not authorized to create, modify, or lock instance ABC-Work-Task T-13
Here case is already getting created but user unable to move forward. I would expect object itself not created.
We can implement this requirement using RBAC by adding privilege on pyStartCase however i am interested to know if we can implement the same using ABAC without creating case itself.
I am not sure if i am doing some misconfiguration.