Checking the Work Object is locked or not from pyWorkpage
Hi Everyone,
I Have a scenario to check the WorkItem is locked or not from the pc_work table.
1. created the WorkItem from my application with different requestor(different login id) ( where the status is in open -in process , and WorkItem Tab is opened) and trying to check the WorkItem is locked my someone or not.
this is something we are checking from the service activity, the Requested WorkItem is locked or not.
2. for above check, created an service activity in service class, with Obj-Open giving the correseponding work class in openclass field and in LockInfoPage field as LockInfo .
3. setting the Property value : Primary.WorkItemID to Property Name :PyID
4. on the same step checking on the Transcation step with @isPageLocked(tools,pyWorkPage) function.
Whenever the same WorkItem is opened by the other requestor. The transcation step should get "True" and should give the response as the WorkItem locked.
Error : The Error im facing is - @isPageLocked(tools,pyWorkPage) is always defaultly setting to "False" even the WorkItem is opened by the other Requestor.
HAVE ANYONE FACED THIS ISSUE in your Application ? @isPageLocked(tools,pyWorkPage) is not checking the locked Items and defaulting to False.
Please Respond.