
American Express
Last activity: 15 Jul 2016 7:41 EDT
Character Entity reference is not converted as symbol in UI from field value
After upgrading the "field value" rule from 6.2 SP2 to Pega7.1.7, the Character Entity reference in the text of the field value is not converted to it's corresponding symbol in the UI.
Eg: “@” is displayed as is in the UI
Eg: Apostrophe “'” is displayed as is in the UI
Steps to reproduce:
Create a "field value" rule in which we should have "Character Entity reference".
Refer this field value in the label of a property rule.
And upgrade that "field value" rule from 6.2 SP2 to 7.1.7
(Note: We didn't use localization in our application)
How ever I have referred a field value rule in a separate section and it's working fine i.e., character entities are converted to it's corresponding symbols in the UI. Can somebody help me understand when does this issue occurs?
Thanks in advance.