Changes to TextAdapter connection properties in robotics 19.1
Ever since upgrading our robots from 8.0.2021 to Proprietary information hidden we have been experiencing issues with TextAdapters (specifically PCOMM) and their connection properties. More specifically we are experiencing issues where the TextAdapter is losing it's connection to the mainframe when other running applications (or the user) are using the mainframe connections as well.
So far some combination of setting SerializeWinhllapiAccess and modifying the AdvancedConfiguration (changing session parameters to NWAIT SUPER_WRITE NODISPLAY) of the TextAdapter is providing success, but which changes solve the issue seem to be different for different packages.
Is there any documentation that outlines the changes that were made to how the TextAdapter connects to a mainframe session between 8.0.2021 and Proprietary information hidden? We would like to gain a better understanding of what has changed and if we can use the AdvancedConfiguration to get the settings back to the way they used to be.