Change the case class
I have 2 cases that inherit from the same class and all the flows are created under this class, the 2 cases (caseA and caseB) have the same stages but not the same steps for example: for stageA there are 2 steps step1 and step2, the first case (caseA) have those steps but the second case (caseB) have only step1 . I want to enable changing the class of the case using the flow action "ChangeClass" as local action, so we can change the case from any step. The problem is that i can change the class even if the step doesn't exist for example: i'm running the caseA, i'm in in stageA and in step2 but when i execute "ChangeClass" action, the class changes to caseB and the step remains the same without getting an error, even this step does not exist in this case.
How to test if a flow can be executable or not when changing the class even if this flow is created under the inherited class?
many thanks in advance
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