Tamkeen Technologies
Last activity: 25 Jul 2022 14:14 EDT
Can't complete CHALLENGE 'Adding fields to views'
Can't complete the challenge because the 'Total time' field in the third task 'Add a read-only field to the Review repair view' doesn't appear in the fields list.
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Aminda Tharjuna Mandawala Gardiye Kankanamge -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 25 Jul 2022 14:14 EDT
Tamkeen Technologies
Thank you. I reset the instance and do it again and now it works without needing to handle it in the dev studio, maybe I missed something in the previous one.
Infosys Limited
Could you please mark the TotalTime field (Property) as the relevant record so that it would get displayed in the App Studio or in the dev studio configure-view screen in the case type wizard?
Tamkeen Technologies
How can I do it?
Infosys Limited
Go to that TotalTime property in the dev studio and in the right side there is an option called actions. Go to the actions and click on mark as the relevant record.
If the total time property is not there then create that property in the dev studio and mark it as the relevant record.
Tamkeen Technologies
Updated: 25 Jul 2022 8:36 EDT
Infosys Limited
You opened the declare expression rule. You need to open the Total Time property rule form there you can see the relevant record option.
If you have any confusion, try to search the TotalTime in the search which is there on the top right and find it. Then open the property rule.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 25 Jul 2022 14:14 EDT
Tamkeen Technologies
Thank you. I reset the instance and do it again and now it works without needing to handle it in the dev studio, maybe I missed something in the previous one.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @RefafA53,
We did have an issue earlier today with the Pega Academy system that may have affected what you were working on. That has been resolved and I'm glad to hear you resolved this as well. I marked your reply above as the solution.