Cannot Interrogate data within iframe
We want to pull information from iframe window? However, Pega Robotics Studio cannot interrogate the inside the iframe. Please advise?
Thank you.
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We want to pull information from iframe window? However, Pega Robotics Studio cannot interrogate the inside the iframe. Please advise?
Thank you.
We can automate the elements inside the iframe window(elements that you can't interrogate) with the help of javascript and then use the Pega Robotics Execute method and Invoke method on the parent webpage.
I am facing a similar issue. I also tried using the Javascript and Pega Execute and Invoke methods to automate a button inside an iFrame. However, getting the following exception :
Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "<frame url>" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
Any help would be appreciated.
@PreetInderS2271 It certainly is possible to interrogate within an IFrame. I suspect there is something specific to your website. If the site is not public, I would suggest opening a support request so that one of our support staff can look at this with you to determine if there are any issues. If that is not possible, then you might try adding the controls from the web controls tab in the interrogation window. Sometimes the bullseye cannot "see" into frames if they are technically beneath others, so you must manually add those controls to your hierarchy from the web controls tab.
Let me try that and if still it does not work will probably open a support request.
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