Last activity: 26 Sep 2019 10:17 EDT
Cannot connect to server" message pops up when launching Pega Robotics Studio
When I start the Pega Robotic Studio 8.0, It asks me to enter email and password. I enter the operator id created for my RPA automation (tried with other credentials too) and I am not sure which server it tries to connect but it says "Cannot connect to server". After that, if i click cancel or ok, robotics studio launches fine.
When I start the Pega Robotic Studio 8.0, It asks me to enter email and password. I enter the operator id created for my RPA automation (tried with other credentials too) and I am not sure which server it tries to connect but it says "Cannot connect to server". After that, if i click cancel or ok, robotics studio launches fine.
But after this, when i try to publish package to package server, i get same dialogue box to enter email and password and again same problem happens. Whatever credentials i enter, it says "Cannot connect to server". In the config files, i set enabled=false for all servers apart from Robot Manager entry.
Can someone help me here ??
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Sudipta Biswas Arjun Avvaru -
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It seems while installation you selected the option to connect server, if it is not required then reinstall and don't select that option.
I am unable to publish my package as well to package server even though package server is running. Robotics studio says, cannot connect to server. I would like to know which server it is connecting to and why it is failed. I don't want to skip it because it is required to publish my package.
I still need assistance with this.
Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield
Was there any help provided? How did you overcome this issue? I am having the same.
Nope.. I just left that work and focussed on something else as my current assignment got changed. But what i found is connecting Pega with Pega Robotics is a bit challenging.
Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield
Thanks VenkatM for replying. I actually got it working. I had to fix several issues, but i can document the things I did here if you are interested.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @LenONeil ,
Glad to hear you have fixed the issue.
Thank you for your interest in sharing the solution here. It would be helpful to fellow community users who face the same issue.
The only thing to be careful is to ensure no proprietary information is shared along with the solution.
Thanks again.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hello @LenONeil,
I would like to connect you with @JeongyeonK who has posted on an older post that he has the same issue. Any solutions you can share would be helpful.
Thank you!
Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield
Apologies for the delay. Have been busy setting up our on-prem infrastructure in prep for our Pega engagment (yay!)
FYI, everything was traceable from the Robot Studio log (once I turned it on) by enabling the FilePublisher mode to "on" and I set all Log categories to "4". You can also do this thru Studio Options->Pega Robot->Studio Diagnostics by setting FilePublisher Diagnostic Mode to On and all Log Categories to "Verbose.
Correct in that the credentials Robot Studio is asking for is the "developer" operator ID with the proper roles as indicated below.
These four things I had to fix to make sure it worked:
Apologies for the delay. Have been busy setting up our on-prem infrastructure in prep for our Pega engagment (yay!)
FYI, everything was traceable from the Robot Studio log (once I turned it on) by enabling the FilePublisher mode to "on" and I set all Log categories to "4". You can also do this thru Studio Options->Pega Robot->Studio Diagnostics by setting FilePublisher Diagnostic Mode to On and all Log Categories to "Verbose.
Correct in that the credentials Robot Studio is asking for is the "developer" operator ID with the proper roles as indicated below.
These four things I had to fix to make sure it worked:
- Your communication protocols match throughout. If you've set up SSL, then this is easier because everything is by default set up for SSL. If you're not using SSL (my case), there are a few places you need to change.
- Consistent use of http vs https
- Ensure the following two apis have both the "require TLS/SSL for REST services in this package" checked appropriatly. You can find them in Dev Studio under Records->Integration-Resources->Service Package.
- api
- robotics
- Authentication types are consistent. If you use Basic, make sure "Basic" is selected everywhere including:
- the two apis mentioned in step 1.
- CommonConfig.xml on RobotManager server authenticationType
- You have the correct URLS in the configs.
- In StudioConfig, PegaServer baseUrl should point to api endpoint such as:
- "http(s)://<hostname><port>/prweb/api/v1/
- In StudioConfig, Package Server url (if applicable) should point directly to package server such as:
- "http(s)://<hostname><port>
- In CommonConfig RobotManager baseUrl should point to RobotManager such as (also make sure enabled is set to "true":
- http(s)://<hostname><port>/prweb
- In Runtime, Package Server url (if applicable) should point directly to package server such as:
- "http(s)://<hostname><port>
- In StudioConfig, PegaServer baseUrl should point to api endpoint such as:
- You have the correct roles on your Developer Operator ID
- AutomationPackageManagement:Admin (Developer role should work here as well)
- PegaRULE:PegaAPI
I've also attached my config files and also a postman collection I used for validating connectivity to the Pega Automation Server apps (package manager, Synch Server) if you happen to be on 19.1.
Please let me know if you have further questions
Stefka Dobreva Abhishek Vaidya
Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for sharing! Good Luck with your preparations! :)