Cannot connect to Pega server from SMA application
I am trying to connect to a PEGA server that's running on Websphere Liberty Profile but I get this error
om.pega.jmx.ui.util.JMXClientException: Exception getting MBean Server connection. Fail to instantiate WASJMXConnector
Failed to get mbean server connection
SMA ERROR: Failed to create admin client
ADMC0016E: The system cannot create a SOAP connector to connect to host Pegaserver.xxxx.corp at port 28741.
My SMA is set up like this
My hosts part of the pega wlp server are the following
<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
<httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="Pegaserver.xxxx.corp" httpPort="28740" httpsPort="28741"/>
<httpSession cloneId="PegaServername"/>
<virtualHost id="default_host" allowFromEndpointRef="defaultHttpEndpoint">
What am I dling wrong?