Can Dataflow instances be deleted?
Can instances of DATA-DECISION-SERVICE-DATAFLOW be deleted (for e.g. Batch)?
We don't have any batch nodes configured and we don't use dataflows in our application. However although logging is set to error, the events of checking node availability still get printed in our JBOSS server logs, lines like :
2023-07-06 23:59:43,112 INFO [com.pega.dsm.dnode.impl.dataflow.service.leaderpulse.CheckNodeAvailabilityTask] (LeaderPulse-DataFlow-Pulse-Executor:17) Run waiting for resources [DF-9035] did not get resources assigned on service [Batch]
Our logs get so filled up with these line items, the size of server.log files sometimes go upto 800 mb.
I was therefore thinking if this could somehow be disabled, maybe by deleting the dataflow instance.