
Last activity: 6 Apr 2017 7:53 EDT
Can 7.1.x SMA access 7.2 resources
Client is planning to move to latest Pega version 7.2 for some of their existing applications in 6.x. Client already has some applications running on 7.1.x version in production. Clients requirement is post upgrade they want to use a single SMA to able to monitor all environments, both 7.2 and 7.1.x environments.
My question:
Is possible to add new upgraded 7.2 environment related nodes to existing 7.1.x SMA or vice versa (add 7.1.x nodes to 7.2 SMA) with current Pega Product or we will have to maintain all version specific SMAs separately.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories***