
Zensar Technologies Ltd
Last activity: 5 Mar 2023 8:46 EST
call UpdateStatus
Explain call UpdateStatus OOTB activity
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 5 Mar 2023 8:46 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@AbhishekC1725 Hi, Most of the status changes whithin the case type when mentioned in the stage/assignment happens while processing the cases itself, but in any scenario if you would like to change a status either form any background processes or as a part of flow etc you can use the update status activity.
The activity gets called from various places including NewAssign, NewAssignBasket etc. It sets the status and calls another activity RecalculateAndSave to update the urgency, timestamps and to save the work object.
Apart from this if you are trying to change the status of the WO to any status which starts with Resolved-* then there is an activity inside update status which takes care of resolving the wo as well.
For e.g., if there is a scenario where a particular case is in the status Pending-DocumentSubmission and there is requirement that after 2 days you need to check whether the document is submitted if it is submitted then you need to change the status to Open-DocumentSubmitted. Here you can configure an SLA and use the updatestatus activity to update the status if the condition is satisfied
Please let us know if it helps

Bits in Glass
@AbhishekC1725 If you want to update status of a case you can call this ootb utility. For eg:- there is a parent child case types, Customer onboarding-> aadhar verification...
You have customer onboarding on pending-verification status and you have initiated child case. On completion of child case you want to just update the parents case status to verification-completed. You can use UpdateStatus here.
Abhishek Choubey

Bits in Glass
@Anoop Krishna If you have understood the concept from my answer please mark it as accepted
Abhishek Choubey

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@Anoop Krishna Thanks Anoop, under review from pega side
Anoop Krishna
Accepted Solution
Updated: 5 Mar 2023 8:46 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@AbhishekC1725 Hi, Most of the status changes whithin the case type when mentioned in the stage/assignment happens while processing the cases itself, but in any scenario if you would like to change a status either form any background processes or as a part of flow etc you can use the update status activity.
The activity gets called from various places including NewAssign, NewAssignBasket etc. It sets the status and calls another activity RecalculateAndSave to update the urgency, timestamps and to save the work object.
Apart from this if you are trying to change the status of the WO to any status which starts with Resolved-* then there is an activity inside update status which takes care of resolving the wo as well.
For e.g., if there is a scenario where a particular case is in the status Pending-DocumentSubmission and there is requirement that after 2 days you need to check whether the document is submitted if it is submitted then you need to change the status to Open-DocumentSubmitted. Here you can configure an SLA and use the updatestatus activity to update the status if the condition is satisfied
Please let us know if it helps
Abhishek Choubey

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@SrinidhiM Thanks for info

Bits In Glass
@AbhishekC1725 The activity gets called from various places including Work-NewAssign, Work-NewAssignBasket etc. It sets the status and calls another activity 'RecalculateAndSave' to update the urgency, timestamps and to save the work object.
Abhishek Choubey

Zensar Technologies Ltd
@I_amFrk05 Thanks for info.