
Last activity: 31 Dec 2019 11:44 EST
Busy Indicator Script not working
I want to show Busy indicator icon in Repeat grid when one of the columns is being updated. I do not want user to perform any operation until the post events are completed for this field. So, I included the following script in the userworkform
function setBusyIndicatorCustom(){
pega.u.d.busyIndInterval = 0;
function resetBusyIndicatorCustom(){
pega.u.d.busyIndInterval = 2000;
I also invoked the script from the section. Pls see attachments.
However the busy indicator is not triggering at all. The user is able to update other columns while the post events are still running. Can you pls help?
We are using pega 7.2.1
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Karthik,
Could you please add a wait between the 2 busy indicator scripts and then check if you could see the busy indicator or not.
Also you have done a private checkout of the userworkform and added the script will be valid only if you are running the use case with the same operator.

I added wait step in activity and noticed that busy indicator is displayed. The busy indicator is actually displayed even without the script with wait step of 10 seconds in activity.
I added alert step in the script and confirmed that the script is actually running but it is not showing the busy indicator (unless wait is added in the activity). Is something wrong with this script (Pega 7.2.1)?
I basically want the UI to show the busy indicator when refresh is happening In the post event so that user cannot change any other data in the screen. The user is typing data while refresh is happening and so the data being entered is lost after refresh is complete

Pegasystems Inc.
you have configured a run script to remove the busy indicator icon after refresh-section and post value.
These action might be happening so fast that the busy indicator display script and hide script are getting called within fraction of seconds. This might be the the reason why you are not able to see the busy indicator.

Yes Vikas. The user is doing copy-paste in the repeat grid. Since pega allows this action when refresh is happening, it just wipes out the pasted items after refresh is completed.
I am looking for options not to allow any user input (copy-paste or type any data) when refresh section is happening in the back end. Even though it is split seconds, it causes loss of data. Can pega freeze the screen while refresh is happening and not allow any kind of user input (Technically we are running an activity during refresh and so some db processing needs to happen and it is not just refresh screen)?

Pegasystems Inc.
Based on the screen-shot you have added the busy indicator should be there till the time the section is being refreshed. Once the Refresh-Section call finishes then the busy indicator should be gone.

It is not working unfortunately. I will create Pega SR and have GCS look into the issue. Thanks for your help

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Karthik
As a diagnostic test, can you try increasing the value from 2000 to some higher number (try a few different values) to see if that helps?
Also, as a test, can you try the sleep method in conjunction with your approach to see if that helps as well as shown in this link?

I tried multiple values and it did not fix the issue. the issue still persists